How to Automatically Create STL Files with CATIA Macro?

How to Automatically Create STL Files with CATIA Macro?

What is CATIA V5 Macro?

CATIA V5 Macro Programming with Visual Basic Script shows you, step by step, how to create your own macros that automate repetitive tasks, accelerate design procedures, and automatically generate complex geometries.


Mako GmbH shares this CATIA macro which automatically creates STL files and saves them in the same folder as the origin file. Here are the steps the program follows:

1) Exports STEP file

2) Opens STEP file

3) Deletes Geometrical Set

4) Exports Step to STL

5) Closes STEP file

6) Deletes STEP file

7) Closes CATPart


Following is the code:

Sub CATMain()


‘ Loop as long as there is an open document


‘ Active document must be a CATPart of CATProduct


On Error Resume Next


Dim fullname As String


Dim oDoc As Document


Dim oSTPDoc As Document


Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument


Dim oSel As Selection


Dim oPart As Part


Set oDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument


Do While CATIA.Documents.Count > 0


fullname = oDoc.fullname


‘remove extension .CATPart or .CATProduct


If Right(fullname, 8) = “.CATPart” Then


fullname = Left(fullname, Len(fullname) – 8)


ElseIf Right(fullname, 11) = “.CATProduct” Then


Else: MsgBox “No valid Part or Product active”


Exit Sub


End If


‘Export STEP file – change the CATPart or CATproduct to STEP


CATIA.ActiveDocument.ExportData fullname & “.stp”, “stp”


‘Open STEP file


Set oSTPDoc = CATIA.Documents.Open(fullname & “.stp”)




‘Delete Geometrical Set


Set oSel = oSTPDoc.Selection




Set oPartDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument


Set oPart = oPartDoc.Part


oSel.Add oPart.HybridBodies.Item(“Geometrical Set.1”)




‘Save as STL file


CATIA.ActiveDocument.ExportData fullname & “.stl”, “stl”


‘Close STEP file




‘Delete STEP file


CATIA.FileSystem.DeleteFile (fullname & “.stp”)


‘Close CATPart




Set oDoc = CATIA.ActiveDocument




MsgBox “Program Completed!”, , “STL Export Utility”


End Sub

There you have it! What is STL file used for? This file format is supported by many other software packages, such as SolidWorks. It’s also commonly used for Reverse Engineering, 3D printing, and is the standard for various rapid prototyping processes and computer-aided manufacturing. STL files describe only the surface geometry of a three-dimensional object without any representation of color, texture or other common CAD model attributes. STL has several after-the-fact backronyms such as “Standard Triangle Language” and “Standard Tessellation Language.”

So, this above CATIA Macro would be really helpful if you want to convert or save the files in STL format. Please let us know if you find this code useful in the comments section below!

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