Reverse Engineering Potential
Reverse Engineering Potential
Exact data for existing products or their components is often missing. Or they simply no longer correspond to the current status quo. In order to be able to reintroduce this CAD data into one’s own production process at low cost, the service provided by Mako GmbH is often used: reverse engineering. But how exactly does it work and what does reverse engineering potential offer? The experts at Mako-Technics will be happy to give you an insight.
Need quick help from reverse engineering experts? Contact the engineers at Mako GmbH directly here.
Reverse Engineering Potential: What does it offer?
As a starting point for our service, we rely on precise scan data. These serve as a reference for the new creation of surface models and volumes in CAD format. Depending on the intended use, a wide variety of techniques are of course used.
In a first step, you explain to us what the requirements are for your component. And what exactly is its function. This information serves as a basis for us to make appropriate optimizations within the design. In this way, you can not only reproduce your object but improve it at the same time. Would you like to know in which areas our service is used? Mako-Technics will be happy to give you an overview. Because the reverse engineering potential is enormous.
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Reverse engineering helps in these areas
The experts at the Reverse Engineering Service will help you in the following areas:
- Design Changes
- Update CAD data
- Analysis of competitive products and comparison with your own
- CAD data for spare parts that are no longer available
- Tool correction (damage/wear)
- Wear and spare parts for tool making
The areas listed here only provide a rough overview of the multitude of application areas. As already mentioned, the potential of reverse engineering is enormous and the number of its areas of application is almost unlimited.
Mako-Technics can also help you?
Do you have further questions about us or reverse engineering? Contact us anytime! We are looking forward to your message.
Would you like to learn more about exciting reverse engineering topics? Please visit us on YouTube! There we regularly provide videos on exciting topics.
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