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SolidWorks 2022: What To Expect

SolidWorks 2022

SolidWorks 2022: What To Expect

The software developer Dassault Systèmes presented SolidWorks in 2022. The latest version of this powerful engineering and design software includes hundreds of tweaks and improvements. The aim of this major update is to standardize and advance product development processes. The Mako-Technics team took a closer look at this new version. In the following we would like to give you an overview.

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What innovations users can expect in SolidWorks 2022?

  • Performance and quality improvements when working with large assemblies
  • Faster and more effective import of Step, DXF / DWG and IFC files
  • The user interface has been improved, especially with regard to the shortcut bar
  • New functions are available, for example the creation of standardized external threads
  • Optimizations in component and construction design
  • Access to the cloud-based 3D experience platform
  • The currently fastest graphics processing

SolidWorks 2022

What does that mean for you?

The developers focus on flexible and, above all, customizable solutions. SolidWorks 2022 is intended to help users in their daily work to significantly improve their workflows and skills. Regardless of whether it is for validation, design or documentation. Dassault Systèmes listened to its own community for further development. The new processes, features and optimizations were developed based on the experiences of worldwide users. The goal of the improved version 2022 is clear:

Developers’ work should be made easier. The main focus is on faster development. The overall goal behind all innovations is to be able to develop products in a significantly shorter time.

Collective work through the 3D experience platform

SolidWorks 2022 also offers the opportunity to collaborate on projects collectively. The 3D experience platform makes exactly this possible. Dassault Systèmes also hopes that the connection to the cloud-based 3D Experience Works portfolio will provide advantages over its competitors and competitors.

Would you like to learn more about SolidWorks? Do you need the help of reverse engineering experts? Then look no further. The Mako-Technics team is always there! Please contact us. We look forward to your inquiry and are happy to take the time to answer it!

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