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Choosing the Right CAD Software

Choosing the Right CAD Software

There are a few things to consider when choosing suitable CAD software. There are a few things to consider before making a purchase. But which factors should be taken into account? Which criteria should a corresponding software in the field of tool, machine and mold construction meet exactly? The experts at Mako GmbH have taken a closer look at this topic.

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Finding the right CAD software: Let’s start with the basic functions

All 3D software has important properties that are referred to as basic functions. These should be considered as a basic requirement. These basic functions are for example:

  • Parametric design
  • The modeling of assemblies and
  • Self-updating drawings.

Suitable CAD software should at least offer these three functions. Of course, there are a number of other aspects that should be taken into account when making a decision. We will examine these one by one below.

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Reverse Engineering organischer Formen

Automations, methodology and file management

Another important factor when choosing a suitable CAD software is a PDM solution. PDM is the abbreviation for product data management. The PDM helps to keep internal communication high because it helps to quickly identify which team member made which adjustments to an object and when. Productivity can also be increased in this way. Depending on the industry, there are different requirements for CAD. Therefore, you should make sure that the respective software meets your requirements. You should also pay attention to whether design tasks can be automated. This should be possible regardless of the provider. And speaking of automation features:

Can these be used in the future even if design requirements actually change?

Cross-software communication

Integrating additional parts into models can take some time depending on the industry. In the best case, the CAD software of your choice therefore contains so-called component libraries from other manufacturers. It is also an advantage if your software can easily communicate with other programs. This makes it easier for you to adopt CAD data from your customers, suppliers or business partners.

One last important point: Pay attention to the support of the respective software. It should be important that you get help quickly if you have problems. Online tools for independent problem solving can also be very important here.

Reverse Engineering organischer Formen

Make your decision: select your CAD software

If you consider all of the criteria mentioned in this post, you should be able to determine which CAD software is right for you. If you need further help or advice, please do not hesitate to contact the experts at Mako GmbH! Simply use our contact form for this. We are looking forward to your message!

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