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Digital jetzt- Reverse Engineering Partnership

Digital jetzt - Initiative for the Federal Government's Funding Program

Medium-sized companies from all industries with 3 to 499 employees who are planning a digitization project can apply for funding from the Federal Govt. of Germany and get funding up to 55%. But this offer will be available till end of December 2020. So, join the Digital jetzt program and become our partners now to get the best support!

10% Discount for Partnership in Digital jetzt - please register here

Join Our Partner Network Now

You will find us to be the right partner for every imaginable digitization project:

We create CAD data for you from your 3D scan or pointcloud

This offers up new possibilities:

CAD data for ..
e.g. BIM applications of your customers
e.g. The installation of your assemblies in constructions
e.g. Perfecting your tools already in the development phase
e.g. Modification of tools to 100% optimized product for the highest customer demands
e.g. Creation of CAD data for spare or wear parts

The grant from the Federal Govt. is a grant that does not have to be repaid. The grant is paid out after a successful proof of use check. The measures should be implemented in 12 months.

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